Premium Manufacturing Tools for Enhanced Production Efficiency

Syrup Storage Tank & Feeding Tank
Syrup Making/Beverage Making Machine for storing mixed food additives (BTP) safely and efficiently which ensures the quality of the syrup or drink is maintained before it is distributed to the next production stage.

Collecting Tank
Tangki Pemasakan & Penyeleksi

Press Machine
Mesin Ekstraksi

Colloid Mill
Mesin Penggiling Buah
Climbing Evaporator
An important machine in the production process used to evaporate water from raw materials, resulting in a thicker concentrate. With an efficient design, this machine can produce high quality powder products.

Slicing Machine
Mesin Parut

Screw Press Machine
Mesin Ekstraksi

Drying Machine
A sophisticated piece of equipment designed to dry and concentrate juice from fruits and spices. With a spray system, this machine allows the evaporated concentrate to be sprayed onto a medium such as sugar or extracted raw material pulp. This process ensures that the concentrated juice can absorb and stick well to the medium.

High Shear Mixing
Mesin Pencampur Bahan Baku

Fruit Peeling Machine
Mesin Penghalus Bahan Baku

Cooking Tank
Mesin Press Produk